Welcome GClubRs

GClub is Riverwalk Trust's membership dedicated the greening of our Riverwalk Park and the creation of a more sustainable, more grounded downtown lifestyle. The GClub @Riverwalk Trust will serve as the launch pad for an on-going series of projects and activities along the Riverwalk Park in Downtown Fort Lauderdale

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

GClub Happy Hour | Planterpalooza II

Motivate | Participate | Activate
Join us for great networking at Tarpon Bend on Second Street in the Historic District of Downtown Fort Lauderdale.

09 | 28 | 2010  6pm at Tarpon Bend

WE DID IT…Phase one of our Potted Planter project was completed in February 2010. Our inaugural members and sponsors made this idea a reality. Looking forward to our first planter dedication...we appreciate your support.

With the help of LB Class XXVIII, Riverwalk Trust's GClub successfully installed 25 beautiful potted planters along the Riverwalk Park with BCIP grant funding from the City of Fort Lauderdale.
Let's celebrate our success! Join LB Class XXVIII and our GClub team to get the latest scoop on our Potted Planter project and Adopt-a-Planter program. Learn about Riverwalk Trust's newest membership levels!

your GClub Chairs,
Renee Quinn, Ginny Miller & Bob Dugan
and our Project Coordinator, Genia Duncan Ellis


  1. Please send me information about the newest membership levels

  2. I am coming and I have invited a lot of my friends to come and celebrate this special night!
